
Showing posts from July, 2020

End of Year 12 Assessment

Paper 1 Section A 1.) Analyse the Close Study Product Score hair cream advert using narrative theory including Todorov (9 marks) The Score Hair Cream advert is an example of Todorov's equilibrium theory as it purveys a new equilibrium to readers. The product's purpose is to "get grooming action" and so the man who is placed literally above the women communicates the fact that this product will alter your physical appearance for the better and make you more appealing to women who are desperately needing for men in power as we see through the woman who reaches out for the man.  The brand’s personality and voice is  all about masculine supremacy and  self-belief, and is heavily reinforcing  stereotypes of a patriarchal society. Furthermore, Applying Barthes' Enigma and Action codes theory to the advert, The strap line: ‘Get what you’ve  always wanted’ is an action code, like the image,  a bold aspirational statement.  The tone of the copywrit...