Videogames: Further feminist theory
Further feminist theory: blog tasks Use our Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets) or here using your Greenford Google login . Find Media Factsheet #169 Further Feminist Theory , read the whole of the Factsheet and answer the following questions: 1) What definitions are offered by the factsheet for ‘feminism ‘and ‘patriarchy’? Feminism is a movement which aims for equality for women – to be treated as equal to men socially, economically, and politically. patriarchy (male dominance in society). Feminists see the patriarchy as a limitation to women receiving the same treatment and benefits as their male counterparts. 2) Why did bell hooks publish her 1984 book ‘Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center’? She had identified a lack of diversity within the feminist movement, and argued that these diverse voices had been marginalised, being put outside the main body of feminism. 3) What aspects...