Public Service Broadcasting

Public Service Broadcasting

Ofcom Report:

1) How does the report suggest that TV viewing is changing?

Television Viewing is changing. People are increasingly viewing content in a variety of different ways, both on the television sets and on other devices. Young adults are watching a substantial amount of non-PSB content which is resulting in behavioural issues not just in this age group but among those up to the age of 45.  

2) What differences are highlighted between younger and older viewers?

Viewers aged 65+ watched an average of 5 hours 44 minutes in 2016. However, in contrast, 16-24 year olds watched an average of 1 hour 54 minutes in 2016.

3) Does the report suggest audiences are satisfied with public service broadcasting TV channels?

The report shows that younger people watch less television. This may suggest why audiences are not satisfied with public service broadcasting TV Channels.

4) Public service broadcasting channels are a major aspect of the UK cultural industries. How much money did PSB channels spend on UK-originated content in 2016? 

 The PSB Channels spent a total of £2.6bn on the first-run UK originated content in 2016. This was a 2% increase in real terms on 2014.

Goldsmiths Report:

1) What does the report state has changed in the UK television market in the last 20 years?

The proliferation of channels has reduced the market share of the public service broadcasters. Although the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 have largely retained their prominence, Sky has emerged as a major force.

2) Look at page 4. What are the principles that the report suggests need to be embedded in regulation of public service broadcasting in future?

Principles of independence, universality, citizenship, quality and diversity need to be embedded into the regulation and funding of an emerging digital media landscape.

3) What does the report say about the BBC?

The report says that the BBC is the most important part of the television ecology, but the model of universality underpinning its public service credentials is under threat. The BBC has been contracting in real terms and it is hard to sustain the case that it is damaging competitors. The report also states that the BBC should be encouraged to pursue networked innovation, to embrace the internet and to develop a range of content and services for the online world. 4) According to the report, how should the BBC be funded in future?

The government should hand over decision-making concerning the funding of the BBC to an independent advisory body that works on fixed settlement periods. 

5) What does the report say about Channel 4?

The report says that Channel 4 occupies a critical place in the public service ecology- supporting the independent production sector and airing content aimed specifically at diverse audiences. 
6) How should Channel 4 operate in future?

Channel 4 should increase it's provision for older children and young adults and restore some of the arts programming that has been in decline in resent years. 

7) Look at page 10 - new kids on the block. What does the report say about new digital content providers and their link to public service broadcasting?

Television with the characteristics of public service broadcasting now appears outside the public service system: from Sky and other commercial broadcasters.

Final Questions:

1) Should the BBC retain its position as the UK’s public service broadcaster?

Yes, because the BBC provides audiences with a wide range of media products that attract more audiences to want their content. Therefore, if they remain UK's public service broadcaster, they can hopefully grow as a service broadcaster.

2) Is there a role for the BBC in the 21st century digital world?

Yes, due to how diverse their media content is, they could 
definitely play a role in the 21st Century digital world to cater towards all target audiences. However, in terms of creating a new 'world', i think this may not be possible.

3) Should the BBC funding model (license fee) change? How?

Yes, As the media should be open for everyone to enjoy. Also, there may be a family who wish to watch something on their laptop on BBC i player but are unable to do so because they do not have a TV license. Abolishing the license fee makes watch TV much more convenient. 


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