MIGRAIN Assessment 3- Learner Response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
WWW- Really solid analysis of the 'unseen' media product which clearly uses Butler and Van Zoonen's theory to respond to how the producers have constructing meaning and why.

EBI- Some notable comments about how gender representations have reflected social and cultural contexts with use of comments made about how women are seen as spectacles. However, your answer gets lost with you trying to explain the theory.

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the two questions: _/8; _/12. If you didn't achieve full marks in a question, write a bullet point on what you may have missed.
The image on the ‘Bad boy’ advert constructs a range of interesting meanings. It reinforces male dominance with a suit and open-necked shirt connoting power and authority, albeit, relaxed.
6/12- David Gauntlett argues that masculinity is constantly evolving and social concerns that masculinity is ‘in crisis’ are exaggerated.

3) For Question 2 on the social and cultural contexts of gender representations, identify three potential points in the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer.

  • The Carolina Herrara adverts reinforce Mulvey’s idea of the ‘male gaze’ – that the media is constructed for the pleasure of a male audience. The image in the ‘Good girl’ advert overtly sexualises the female model, placing her in a submissive position at the feet of a man and exposing her leg.
  • The ‘Good girl’ / ‘Bad boy’ campaign that strongly reinforces classic gender stereotypes contrasts with recent campaigns such as Gillette’s ‘Boys will be boys’ advert that went viral for attempting to challenge toxic masculinity.
  • The Carolina Herrara advertising campaign reflects a more traditional approach to
  • representation than found in many modern campaigns.

    4) Having read the whole mark scheme, pick out one media theory that you didn't include in this assessment and summarise it briefly here so you can use it confidently in future.

    David Gauntlett argues that masculinity is constantly evolving and social concerns that masculinity is 'in crisis' is exaggerated.

    5) Based on your experience in this assessment, identify three aspects of Media (e.g. skills/particular theories/examples) that you need to work on for your next assessment.

    • David Gauntlett
    • Van Zoonen 
    • Butler 
    • Mulvey
    • Skills- exam technique and sticking to the question. Also choosing relevant points to answer the question.


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