Advertising: Assessment LR
Advertising and Marketing assessment feedback:
WWW: Well done Aman, this is a superb essay – keep this up! It is so refreshing to read such detailed analysis and I can clearly see that you are really trying to consider the changing idea of masculinity in the media. You have shown a real engagement of both advertising CSPs as you seamlessly reference both throughout your essay. The amount written may be difficult to recreate during an exam but this is a fantastic starting point and also beneficial for revision purposes.
EBI: The main concern I have is the structure of your essay – you have strong understanding of both CSPs coupled with theory however there is a slight concern that you sometimes move too far away from the question focus. It would be in your favour if each paragraph had a more clear and relevant topic sentence that uses an occasional key word from the question. Your introduction and conclusion does this well but I think somewhere in between it gets lost and becomes too descriptive of both CSPs. For example, your extensive explanation of what occurs in the Maybelline advert. Remember, the examiner does not need to be reminded what occurs in the advertisements, spend more time on answering the question (this will hopefully save you time - in exam conditions).
The other area I would focus on is trying to bring in a little more gender theory e.g. Van Zoonen to add to Gauntlett’s ideas.
Reflecting on your assessment, what media terminology, theory and Advertising CSPs do you most need to revise before your next Media exam? How will you do this?
I need to go over Gauntlett and Van Zoonen's ideas and overall need to go over the theories that link to gender and sexuality and apply these to the CSPs on a better level of understanding. I also need to revise the score advert a bit more. I will do this by going over the CSP more precisely. I will annotate/ analyse the CSP once again and also create go over flashcards for the theories. Finally, I will practice some exam questions to test my knowledge.
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