Media Magazine Media Drop: Semiotics
What did Ferdinand de Saussure suggest are the two parts that make up a sign?
- Ferdinand suggested that signs are made up of two parts- the signifier and the signified. The signifier is the thing that does the communication and the signified if of that which is communicated
What does 'Polysemy' mean?
- Polysemy means open to interpretation/ more than one meaning
What does Barthes mean when he suggests signs can become 'naturalised'?
- Barthes suggests that ideas that are created collectively in a society, become naturalised. This means that certain meanings, are created or brought about in society and, over time, once enough people know about these newly constructed meanings, they are naturalised i.e. accepted and agreed upon
- Barthes suggests that there are five different types of signs or also known as codes. these help readers to understand narratives. these can be nicely applied to moving image analysis. The five narrative codes include: enigma code, cultural code, symbolic code, referential code and proairetic code.
- When you open Russian matryoshka dolls, they get smaller and smaller. so the title acts as a symbolic code here. The symbol of the Russian doll helps us to make sense of the narrative. At some point fairly early on, the camera pans past and lingers on a close up of a bowl of fruit that is entirely rotten- only the most observant viewer sees this. This is an example of an enigma code.
Icon: An icon is a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol. The Big Ben is one of Britain's most recognisable icons. the clock tower also symbolises the continued functioning of the British government.
An icon has a physical resemblance to the signified, the thing being represented. A photograph is a perfect example as it certainly resembles whatever it depicts.

Index: An index shows evidence of what's being represented. A good example is using an image of smoke to indicate fire. Or using an image of a heart to represent love.
Symbol: A symbol has no resemblance between the signifier and the signified. The connection between them must be culturally learned. Numbers and alphabets are good examples.
Why are icons and indexes so important in media texts:
- Icons and indexes are important in media texts as they allow the producers to communicate with the audience. The audience is able to understand the narrative on a much deeper level. The icons represent the symbol hence why they are so important and the index gives the evidence of what's being represented therefore, icons can also be seen as visual representations of the text and indexes create connotations suggested by the producers.
Why might global brands try and avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing?
- Global brands may try to avoid the use of symbols as they must be channelled within ones mind to be accepted and learnt, therefore making them less memorable when first visualised.
The producer has accidentally communicated the wrong meaning because Pepsi mistook social justice movements for opportunities to sell soda, which is quite disrespectful to the people who have suffered and sacrificed for the sake of protest and change. This is why it is so important to use icons, indexes and symbols correctly.
This advert is very successful as the icons, indexes and symbols have been very cleverly used here. The icon here is the woman playing a fairy. The index here is the pumpkin to represent the theme of fantasy and the symbol here is the McDonald's logo. The purpose of this advert is to inform the audience that wherever you are or whatever state your in, make sure to come to McDonald's.
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